Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Birthday buddy!

I totally forgot to post on Eli's birthday! My little bro turned the big 1-3 on January 17th! My mom now has three teenagers in the house again! All her babies are growing up! :) Love you buddy and I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

Viva Las Vegas!

Last weekend Ben & I went to Las Vegas with Tyler & Naomi. I am very proud of myself because I kept this trip a secret for about THREE MONTHS! Tyler planned the whole thing for his and Naomi's 1st anniversary and everything was a complete surprise for Naomi! It was SO much fun to surprise her! (Even though she does hate surprises:) We stayed at the MGM and had so much fun. We ate a lot of good food, did some shopping, watched Phantom of the Opera, and even did a little gambling! So a funny little story about the gambling...Ben and I gave ourselves a limit of like $10 that we could spend on the penny slots. So we start playing and not five minutes later I win $45! And on the PENNY slots! It was awesome. So yeah, I took that money and ran! It was just funny because I never gamble! We had so much fun hanging Tyler & Naomi! We hope to plan another couples trip soon! On another funny note - I had to go back to Las Vegas on Wednesday thru Friday for work and we stayed at the MGM. It was like deja vu! So I am definitely all "Vegas'd out", but I would totally go back for another show!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I was in Kansas City, Missouri, this past week for training. There were nine of us total (all the people that started the same time as me) plus one of our managers. Here are a few pics!

Elyse & I
Maribel & Susanna
Susanna, Matt, and Nate
Kevin, Eric, Adam, and Jared (manager)
View from my room
We found this AWESOME cinderella carriage! We were planning to ride in it until they told us how much it cost! So we settled for pics haha
Random statues lol
As you can tell, we got bored at night, so we did jumping pics!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's Party!

I actually got Ben to smile!
Briana & Mika (friends we invited from our ward)
Hmm...lets try to guess what he is talking about, GUNS?!
Rock band rules
Bailey ruled at ping pong haha
As you can see she is concentrating really hard!