Monday, November 29, 2010

cousin Ronnee comes to visit!

Naomi flew in a few days early for thanksgiving so they were able to stay with us a couple nights! It was so fun to get the girls together...a tradition for years to come!

got allyson to smile!

now ronnee smiles! (never together haha)

"here, have a shoe"

so cute!


"ok mom, seriously...enough pictures!"

hangin out! lol

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Brynt & Alix's Wedding Reception

A couple weekends ago we were able to attend Ben's cousin's wedding reception up in Prescott and then stay the night and attend church with his fam:) Aside from the fact that Allyson slept like CRAP (she needed her crib!), it was a nice little getaway! The reception area was decorated soooo pretty! It was so unique and I loved it! And yes, in the pic below, the groom is wearing a kilt. Too funny huh?! All the guys in the wedding party wore one...I later learned that the bride's family is Scottish, so that makes sense! Congrats Brynt & Alix!

ooo frosting!

the happy couple:)

love them:)

allyson loves her uncle richard:)

dollar dance! Arden's facial expression cracks me up!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

my sis is a state champ! (again:)

ok, i posted all of these backwards, but to make a LONG story short. they played show low. went into TRIPLE overtime. And ended it with a shootout. Talk about stressing a sister out!! (especially when your sister is the goalie!!) But it all turned out great and I am SO glad because they deserved it! Way to go girls!!

~The cousins~

~The seniors~

brought back memories:)


Alissa rockin' it!

look at that dive!

she's soooo ready for this!

holy girls!

bring it on baby!

obsessed with her fingers

sportin the piggies and ready to cheer!

loves her auntie ashee

funny face! loves her uncle E:)

alissa blockin a corner kick during the semi final game against Blue Ridge

getting ready for the corner kick...

pretty eyes!


isn't this the cutest shirt ever?! her gramma made it for her:)

go aunt lissa!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

girls night out

texas roadhouse+a late movie = a great time:)
**please note that Jill, Meagan, & Danielle are the prego girls...NOT me...thats just a food baby:)