On Monday we just relaxed and there was LOTS of swimming! Let's just say Ash & I DOMINATED at the water toss game! haha! We also had a BBQ at my house Monday night and roasted marshmallows for smores afterwards. yum!
ellie cracks me up!

love this little squirt:)

Allyson got wayyyy too much attention from her aunties and uncle of course but she loved it! Here is Eli teaching her how to pop a wheelie! haha

on Tuesday Eli relaxed (and tanned-the child looks Mexican!) while the girls went shopping! Of which, by the way, we rocked some KILLER deals! We ended the night by watching a couple of Ben's softball games, and of course stopping by Bahama Bucks on the way home;)

They left on Wednesday morning and it was a sad day. Allyson stood by the door for about ten minutes just crying! She wanted to go with them! But the good news is that we are headed up to Prescott for the 4th of July on Friday so she will be getting lots more attention soon! (good news for her, bad news for me! haha)