So...for basically the entire month of December and part of November, Ben and I have been trying to get rid of strep throat. It was a nasty strain because I had to go thru FOUR different antibiotics! I was told that it is extremely hard for anyone under 3 to get it, so I wasn't really worried about the girls. Well, starting about December 30th, Allyson started getting all the symptoms of strep. So we took her in and put her on antibiotics. And then on new year's eve, Kilee got a high fever and had a hard time breathing. It freaked me out when she started gasping for air, so I took her into the ER that night. They did a chest xray and found out she had pneumonia (we never found out if it was from strep or not, but most likely it was) so we put her on antibiotics too. Allyson seemed to feel better right away but after about a week, Kilee still was having a hard time breathing. So I took her into our pediatrician and he diagnosed her with RSV! I was shocked....my poor baby! She had to have a breathing treatment that day. And at that point I was now sick again...I had a cold and an earache. And as my doctor started explaining RSV he said, if one person has RSV, the entire house gets it and that in an adult its basically the worst cold you have ever had and you get possible earaches or sore throats. I said hmmm, thats funny because thats exactly what I have right now! Fast forward a week later, Kilee FINALLY starts feeling better (and I am basically better at this point) and then BEN gets the cold and earache! And now it has been a couple weeks and...wait for it....we are all healthy again! YAY! I am SO over sickness! (and so is my wallet!) Knock on wood we don't catch anything else:)