Thursday, August 6, 2015

Rad's 6 month stats!

Weight: 16.5lbs (35th %)
Height: 26.25in (45th %)
Head: 17.5in (85th %)

He now has his two bottom teeth! (which mommy doesnt like because he has already bit me like 6 times!) He has the sweetest demeanor. He will smile at anyone! His hair is ALWAYS in a mohawk (haha). He started baby foods and likes them all so far! He loves to stick his tongue out. He loves to pull blankets over his face. He prefers standing over sitting. Love this big-headed boy of mine!

Rad's 4 month stats! (I forgot to post this)

Mr. RAD is now 4 months! I've been told the 3rd baby is the best and he is definitely living up to that! He is a godo eater, has been sleeping thru the night for a few weeks now, is super super smiley, rolls over all the time, and has had more blowouts than both of my other babies combined! Love this boy to pieces. Rad's 4 month stats: 14 lbs (25th %); 24.8 in long (25th %); head is 16.5 in (50th %) and he took his shots like a champ.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Allyson's 5 year stats: 36lbs (25th - 50th %); 43.5in tall (50th-75th %)

My tall skinny girl! Allyson's has become an even bigger Disney princess lover, her favorites change every day. She loves to be mommy's big helper and cannot wait until radley is big enough to carry around on her own. She is very OCD about many things....she freaks out if she sees seasoning on something she is eating. her nightly routine includes asking me if all the doors are locked, and sometimes even asks if I am really sure. her favorite foods are PB&J, yogurt, fishies, wheat thins, mac n cheese, and steak. she is the picky-est eater ever and lots of times she will sit at the table for over an hour trying to eat what mommy and daddy tell her she has to eat. her favorite restaurants are "the panacake place" (IHOP), texas roadhouse, and "red robins". she still wets the bed at night but is trying super hard to break that. her favorite animal is horses and she cant wait till she is old enough to own one. her daddy bought her a pet gecko for her bday and she absolutely loves it (mommy thinks its gross) she loves to visit her grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles. she takes dance and gymnastics lessons weekly and goes to preschool twice a week for about 3 hours at a time. she loves her preschool teacher mrs. harcey! she is so excited to start kindergarten and she is most excited about riding the school bus! her favorite colors are still pink and purple. she requested a disney Brave themed birthday parties with her friends this year. her favorite place to go is disneyland and she counts down the days to the next trip the moment we get back! she is still our smart cookie and is always quick to correct mommy and daddy is we slip up. she has lost her bottom two teeth and the permanent have already come in! every morning when she wakes up she comes into mommy's room to wake her up and let her know she is ready for cartoons and chocolate milk. she loves loves to drink liquids! we have to limit how much milk and juice she can have each day and then she switches to water. she plays really well with little sister kilee and has quite the imagination! the things they play together are so funny. she has learned to ride a bike finally (still with training wheels) I cant believe my baby is starting school this year! we love you to pieces miss allyson!

Radley's 2 month stats

Radley's 2 month stats: 11lbs 7oz (25th-50th %); 23.2in tall (50th %)

the most chill baby ever:) loves to coo and talk to us. actually likes tummy time! usually only wakes up once during the night. holds his poop for like 3 days and then explodes! loves bath time:) sweetest babe ever!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

miss Kilee Jo turns 3!

3 year stats:

31 pounds (50%)
38 inches tall (65%)

miss kilee is my feisty middle child! she loves disney princesses equally as much as her older sister and right now her favorite is Ariel. She goes to dance class once a week and loves it! But she is very shy and gets embarrassed very easily. She hates crowds and is a total homebody. She gets excited to go places but will ask if we can go home fairly soon after we get to our destination. she loves to sing. she knows her ABCs, can count to 10, and knows all the colors. she loves going to nursery at church. her favorite color is PINK! any and all shades of pink. Her favorite drinks are rootbeer and apple juice and she loves hotdogs. she is fully potty trained (day and night) except we had a bit of backtracking when we brought baby brother home. She seems to be getting back on her schedule though now. she loves to copy everything allyson is doing. she loves to do her hair "like ava" (which is just a ponytail). she still sucks her thumb on a regular basis. and loves all of the Barbie movies and still loves Dora. she definitely has an ornery streak in her which gets her into lots of trouble! she loves to be mommys helper (helping bathe radley or throwing away his diapers) when she poses for pictures she has to most adorable poses and smile! she is very cuddly and loves loves loves her blanky. she is definitely a mommys girl and asks me to hold her quite often. love my kilee jo:)