Monday, January 28, 2008

A long, relaxing weekend in SJ!

I headed up to SJ right after school on WeDnEsDaY afternoon. I was so excited because I hadn't been home since the fair in SePtEmBeR! Even though I helped my mom paint and clean her rental house, it was still very relaxing to be away from the city. Ben caught a ride up with my cousin Mickey on FrIdAy night (hey, someone needs to stay home and make the money, right?) My main reason for going up was for Naomi's wedding! She married the love of her life of 4 (0r 5?) years, Tyler Ortiz. It was so fun to hang out and just be silly with her like old times! Their ceremony was very simple and sweet. They had AwEsOmE food at their reception, and the weather turned out perfectly! And of course, Naomi looked gOrGeOuS! I was also able to watch a couple of my sisters' basketball games. And the last bit of great news is that my little brother Eli is now the sTaTe ChAmPiOn of his 73 pound weight class! I didn't get to see much of him or my dad over the weekend because they were down at his tournament in Tucson. Our boys did awesome! 5 state champs (including cousins Austin and Tyler), two runners up, and some others placed as well. They won the tournament as a team and broke the state record for team points! Way to go boys! It will be even more exciting to watch them as they get up into high school. I was pretty bummed on SuNdAy when it was time to go home, back to reality! And my only complaint about the whole trip was I never got my soda from Brides! (They were closed by like noon on Saturday! Whats up with that?)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Buddy!

My little brother turned 12 years old today! So I thought I would do a little tribute to him...
1) He was born on January 17, 1996 (and was cuter than ever!)

2) His middle name is Stephen , after my Grampa

3) He is an excellent athlete, he is especially an excellent wrestler

4) He is a better shot with a rifle than me

5) He loves to fish more than anyone I know

6) He is very smart and gets very good grades in school

7) He LOVES to play tricks on people (example: steal my cell phone and put it in mom's pocket without either of us knowing)

8) He learned to wakeboard at the age of 4 (and it was so adoreable!)

9) He wants to be an engineer when he grows up

10) He is a good helper at home and we are glad he is part of our family :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A House Divided

Ok, well I really don't care THAT much about ASU sports, but sometimes it's still fun to compete. Those of you who know my husband, know that he is a MAJOR U of A Men's Basketball fan. So I decided to get us tickets to the big rivalry game! It was a very exciting game, going into overtime! And for those of you who follow ASU sports, you know that USUALLY ASU beats UA in football and they beat us in basketball. WELL, ASU won in overtime 64-59! I actually did kind of feel bad for Ben because ASU actually beat them the one time he goes to a game!
HAD to throw this one in there!