Thursday, January 10, 2008

A House Divided

Ok, well I really don't care THAT much about ASU sports, but sometimes it's still fun to compete. Those of you who know my husband, know that he is a MAJOR U of A Men's Basketball fan. So I decided to get us tickets to the big rivalry game! It was a very exciting game, going into overtime! And for those of you who follow ASU sports, you know that USUALLY ASU beats UA in football and they beat us in basketball. WELL, ASU won in overtime 64-59! I actually did kind of feel bad for Ben because ASU actually beat them the one time he goes to a game!
HAD to throw this one in there!


taytum said...

Trevor loves the U of A men's basketball team too! They are one of his favorite teams.

Joey & Tiffanye said...

Joey is Obsessed with U of A. He was mad that they lost the other noght.

Julie said...

Sounds like tons of fun! I need to get Butch tickets to some sporting event one of these days! What a good wife you are!

Amber said...

Wow, dream come true right there. Last year I bought tickets for my little bro. and I, but I ended up giving my tickets to Trey because my little bro. ended up not being able to go and my wife not wanting to go. Sounds like a blast though. Not that I love ASU or U of A (GO DUKE!!!), but I was sad to see U of A win, they are a much better team (regardless of people keep saying). I need to give you guys a call though. I am just starting the program this semester and would like some tid bits on teachers.

Josh n' Meagan said...

That last picture of Ben is too funny. Sorry we were gone last weekend and couldn't come over. We want to hang out sometime though so give us a call or we'll call you again soon!