Tuesday, September 15, 2009

For those of you who never believed it would happen...

It has! We are expecting a little one on April 6! I am 11 weeks today:)


Unknown said...

yay congratulations!

Ashlee said...

Hooray! I can't wait to see the little bean!

The Chambers said...

oh my goodness! congrats love! this is so exciting. you are going to be a WONDERFUL mother!

Shari Romney Family!! said...

Im so excited for you Jessica!!

Julie said...

Congratulations! It's so much fun having a little one around. Waiting is worth it, I think. You get that time with your spouse that you won't get back, and then a little one comes and it makes life even better!

Meagan Rogers said...

So exciting! It seems like you should be further along.

The Lovell's said...

Congrats!!!! That's so exciting!!!!

Tyler and Naomi said...

How exciting for you guys! You guys are going to be such fun parents! Love you!

Anonymous said...

yay! finally you make an announcement and I get to congratulate you! but I never did hear how far along you were! so fun! hope your morning sickness is getting better! congrats!

Anonymous said...

So fun Jess! Maybe having kiddos close will make us get together more often. Hope you start feeling better soon. Darn morning sickness!!

jfbast said...

Congratulations you two! Such an exciting time-enjoy it. The sickness will be gone soon enough and it will be worth it.

Jake and Mal said...

Congratulations!!! That's so exciting!