Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh BOY...

So the reason for the title of my post is a funny story: My doctor said "Oh I know what it is!" He then proceeded to start typing on the ultra sound thing that read "Oh BOY..." He paused for a couple seconds and then Ben yelled YES! Then he finished "...its a girl!" I laughed so hard. We are both very excited!


Bailey said...

Congrats!! Alli Jo???

Shari Romney Family!! said...

HAHA! Thats funny! I thought that you would be having a girl just because every one said it would be a boy!! Im so excited for you! Little girls are so much fun to dress up and everything. Let the shopping begin!
~Shari Romney

Meagan Rogers said...

Haha. What a mean dr to do that to Ben. Congratulations! Ben is so much like Josh...they need girls first to teach them how to deal with drama.

taytum said...

Congrats! Time to start shopping!

Tyler and Naomi said...

Love that story! You guys will have so much fun with a girl. Ronnee is a night owl just like her dad!

Anonymous said...

that's a cute story...congratulations!

The Lovell's said...


Foy Funny Farm said...

Do you think you will start her on Pepsi in her bottle? ha ha she better like it so you can make us all good drinks at Bride's!! Congrats Jess! Love ya!

loriham said...

Awesome guys!! Girls are fun!