Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Baby Update

I don't think I have actually ever done a 'baby update' so I figured I should!

I had a doctor appointment today and he said the following:

1) She is definitely still a girl!

2) She weighs about three pounds

3) She is a few days ahead of schedule:)

4) She is a thumb sucker

She is an active little thing; moves all the time! We will most likely be naming her Allison Marie, but it is still up for debate!

My 'morning sickness' (not sure why they call it that because it was definitely NOT just in the morning!) has been gone since about 19 weeks, but there are still lots of things I cannot eat or drink. Like water and two loves! :( So needless to say I have been drinking about a pitcher of orange juice a day! The third trimester aches and pains have definitely hit me but I am trying to cope (yes, I am a whiner). Anyways, things are good and we can't wait for her to get here!


Shari Romney Family!! said...

Sounds great! Thats good your out of the morning sickness. Im the same way with the orange juice for some reason I crave it all day long, and I drink it all day long or eat the little clementines! I remember being the same way when I was pregnant with Kennedy! Im glad everything is going great! I like the name Allison it is very pretty. You your almost at the home stretch of the last ten weeks! So exciting!

Stephens Family said...

Funny, Dylan and this baby cannot handle O.J. Water is my best friend! : ) Glad you're doing well. Sleep as much as you can because in just just abt 13 weeks sleep will be lost forever! : )