Wednesday, September 29, 2010

our visit to see aunt ashee! plus a visit from grampa!

Ben decided to help some people hunt that had trophy elk tags up by Flagstaff. So I decided it was the perfect opportunity to go visit ashley at NAU! We started out the night by eating at Outback Steakhouse (where she works:)
then we went to mall for some shopping and ended up with four pairs of shoes! one for me, one for ash, and two for allyson!

arent they adoreable?! we got her a black pair and a white pair:)

then we went to the late show at the movies! (hence why this pic was taken at midnight!)

we stayed with her in her apartment dorm thing, ate breakfast together, and then it was already time to go meet back up with Ben:(

these pics were taken while we were waiting:) allyson tries to eat everything!! thanks ash, it was so much fun!

and the night before we left to flag, my daddy took us out to eat! we love that he gets to come down and visit so often with his work schedule:)

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