Thursday, February 24, 2011

State Wrestling & Bball Weekend(s)

The state wrestling and basketball playoffs were held in Prescott this year. Allyson and I were able to go watch Eli's first couple matches on Friday. He did so well!! So proud of him:)

Allyson was so cute...she cheered and yelled the whole time! (she did the same thing at Lissa's games, so I guess she just wanted to fit in and yell with everyone else!)

We headed back home Friday night because Lissa had her first game down here in the valley the following Saturday. We had the pleasure of Ashley and Jason staying with us as well. We all got in some quality 'Just Dance' time on the Wii!

allyson is thinking "what the heck is going on?!"

this one is the best! ashley's pose and allyson's facial expression says it all!

I am a bad sister and didn't take any pics of Lissa during her games! She won her first game, but then lost a heartbreaker game the following weekend up in Prescott. She did well though! We love you aunt Wissa!

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