Wednesday, April 20, 2011

allyson's one year stats

WEIGHT: 18lb 7oz (15th %)
HEIGHT: 29in (50th %)

Allyson is a skinny minny! Makes me so sad that she is already one. People keep asking me about baby #2 but I feel weird even thinking about another kid because I feel like Allyson is still a baby! I know that this is going to change quickly in the next few months, but for now, I will soak up all her babiness! haha. Here are some tidbits:

*LOVES to anything, include the beat of the shopping cart going over cracks in the road! (silly girl)

*loves to eat vanilla wafers, pretzels, & cheez-its

*still breastfeeds twice a day (once right before bed and once right when she wakes up) but I plan to have her completely weaned in the next couple weeks

*has 9 teeth (i think?)

*loves to play patty cake and read books!

*FINALLY will sleep thru the night...but will only sleep good if she's in her own crib

*likes to have screaming contests

*will smile REALLY easily at ANYONE

*prefers walking over crawling

*loves to play games with her daddy

we love you allyson marie!


taytum said...

Its so crazy how fast a year can go by! About 2 weeks after Brody turned 1 I got my IUD out because I was so ready for him to have a sibling and I didn't know if it was going to take as long to get pregnant with my 2nd baby as it did with my first. Now that Ryder is getting closer and closer to his 1st bday I think there is no way I'll be thinking about getting my IUD out yet!

You'll know when you're ready for cutie pie #2!

*Amy * said...

wow, it goes by so fast. she is still a baby though! don't let anyone get you anxious to have another before you are ready! there are four years between my two. That's not for everyone but it worked for us! She is seriously such a doll though. Let her soak up all the baby time she can because she will be 2 before you know it;)