Kilee's 18mo STATS: 25lb 14oz (75th %)
32.5in tall (75th %)
size 6 (almost 7) shoe
Allyson's 18mo STATS: 21lb 6oz (10%)
32in tall (50%)
size 5 shoe
I love to compare my girls stats at the same ages...I love to see all their similarities and differences! Needless to say, Kilee was much bigger than Allyson at 18 months. Makes sense because Kilee is a much better eater! She is also a tad bit taller but her feet are WAY bigger so I am thinking she is going to be even taller than Allyson, which is crazy because Allyson is already very tall for her age!
So what to say about this spunky little girl....
She has SO much personality! She is one of the toughest little girls I know...she gets new bruises every day and I hardly ever see her cry (when falling). Now when Allyson takes away a toy, that is another story! haha. I call her my "hick" child (the first picture below explains it all!) She even has a chipped front tooth! She can be an ornery little thing but will still cuddle up on the couch with me. She is still a thumb sucker (mostly at night). She will not fall asleep being rocked. But she MUST have her blanky and her thumb and her own space. She of course wants to do EVERYTHING that big sister does. she loves to dance. she loves baby dolls. when she is being naughty, she knows it and will run away laughing (little turd).
she can say the following words (in her own distorted way): night-night, bye-bye, hi, mama, dada, allyson, hunter, juice, drink, diaper, ava, papa, gramma, nose, eyes, mouth, ears, toes, soft, shoes, no, yes, please, thank you, cheese, hot, what's that, and I am sure there are others but these are just the ones off the top of my head. She can point to all those body parts I listed, including the infamous belly button haha
she is a busy busy bee and gets into EVERYTHING! she gets embarrassed easily and will try really hard not to smile. she likes most all food. she loves to jump off anything and climb up anything. she has been to nursery about 6 times and didnt ever even notice I left! she is a fighter...she hits allyson quite often and pulls out her hair (and I mean, literally she has bald spots). poor allyson! but she is also a lover and LOVES to give lots of "loves" and kisses. she is definitely a mommy's girl...which can get annoying for mommy at times but I do love it:) she sleeps great and still takes a nap every day.
She has the curliest hair!! Allyson had curls but nothing compared to hers. And I love it because allyson's is mostly straight now so I have one of each! Everyone says she looks just her daddy and I tend to agree...the only thing she got from me was her blue eyes I guess! Ben's family has told me she looks alot like his sister Samantha's baby pics:) She has Ben's curly hair (I actually also have curly hair), his big calf muscles, and even his seating gene (unfortunately). the poor kid sweats so much! she walks on her tippy toes all the time! We are thinking she is definitely going to be an athlete!
I could probably go on and on, but I guess thats good for now:) I love you kilee jo:)
prettiest eyes! |
looks like auntie Sam in this one:) |
best pouty face ever |