Thursday, September 26, 2013

Apache County Fair 2013

well, my house still hasnt sold! and it is very difficult to keep my house clean with two very busy girls running around, which means we have been going up to St. Johns a lot recently! Its MUCH easier to keep a clean house when we are gone;) the fair in SJ is one of my favorite times of the year! It was also Eli's last year of 4-H...AND his steer won GRAND CHAMPION! It only took my parents five kids and LOTS of years to finally figure it out! haha. my mom helped the girls put some baking goods and flowers in the fair, Ben and I took them on some rides, and they got lots of cousin playtime! Allyson's favorite was playing with cousin Ronnee! too bad she doesnt live closer to us!
Eli with his pig
watching the piggies!
the pig show starts early (and she's not a morning person!)
his champion steer!
keeping these two entertained...
her fav!
she had no fun
daddy took her on a big kid ride! and she LOVED it
4 wheeler rides!
loves from cutler!
me with my girls:)
love my ki:)
best buds!
cousin fun!

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