Sunday, October 28, 2007


Be prepared! It's a long one! First off, my parents bought me this GORGEOUS piano for my college graduation present (a little early!) and I absolutely love it!

Second, I would like to give you a tour of my new home! Here is one side of my kitchen.
Here is the other side :)

Next is my bathroom.

Ben is in the process of making some shelves in our garage.

Laundry room.

Office side 1.

Office side 2.

Guest bedroom.

Guest bathroom.

Dining room table.

Living room. (plus Ben)

Entertainment center place.

The outside view from the front!

Back yard.

Ben & I

And last, but not least, me and my sisters after their state soccer game, which unfortunately they lost. They put up a good fight though!
And I wanted to say thank you to my mom, dad, and Whitley for helping us with the move! :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Go Sundevils!!

My uncle Jeff was planning to fly here with his friend on Saturday and go to the ASU vs. Washington football game, but he wasn't able to make his flight so he gave me his two tickets! Ben was out of town scouting for his hunt, so Felisha was nice enough to come with me! We had a good time! Thanks uncle Jeff for the tickets! Here are a couple pics!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

~October Update~

Well, we haven't really been THAT exciting, but here is an update! We learned a couple weeks ago that we get the keys to our new house on October 23rd! (Pictures to come!) We are REALLY excited! So, after my THREE exams next week, I will be packing up our whole apartment. I must also add that Ben's elk hunt CoNvEnIeNtLy falls on that weekend! So I will somehow be packing all of our stuff by myself, in two days time! So we will see how I cope with that! As for the actual moving day, both my parents will be down here to help and I am very grateful :) So this weekend, as you might guess, I will be studying my bRaInS out (why did I choose accounting again?) and Ben will be up north scouting for his hunt. Anywho, we have been really good! Just workin', studyin', and playin' lots of softball!

PS - Go Sundevils!! (6-0) and Go Dbacks!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Well, it't not THAT exciting, but my friend had a birthday last week and I made her a "cupcake cake." I thought it turned out pretty dang cute so I'm posting a picture of my work!