Sunday, October 28, 2007


Be prepared! It's a long one! First off, my parents bought me this GORGEOUS piano for my college graduation present (a little early!) and I absolutely love it!

Second, I would like to give you a tour of my new home! Here is one side of my kitchen.
Here is the other side :)

Next is my bathroom.

Ben is in the process of making some shelves in our garage.

Laundry room.

Office side 1.

Office side 2.

Guest bedroom.

Guest bathroom.

Dining room table.

Living room. (plus Ben)

Entertainment center place.

The outside view from the front!

Back yard.

Ben & I

And last, but not least, me and my sisters after their state soccer game, which unfortunately they lost. They put up a good fight though!
And I wanted to say thank you to my mom, dad, and Whitley for helping us with the move! :)


taytum said...

Awesome graduation present! It is such a pretty piano. I love your house. Especially the counter tops in your kitchen and your table and chairs.

Felisha & Paul said...

Yay Jess! You guys are finally in your new house! And I love your piano! Haha... so I am going to have to come and visit and see the new house sometime!

Nicole said...

Congrats on the new house! I LOVE that piano!

Bailey said...

Love it! Was I your first visitor besides your family? SWEET. I posted the fair pictures. You look like you're in love with the broccoli! Hehe!

Joey & Tiffanye said...

Tiffanye really likes your piano. Where are you guys living? We might be looking at moving to the valley in a year or so.

Jamielynn said...

Congrats on the new house. It looks beautiful. And what an awesome graduation present!!

Josh n' Meagan said...

You house looks awesome! Love the piano too. Just like mine! You are going to have to have a party sometime to show it off.