Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Well, it't not THAT exciting, but my friend had a birthday last week and I made her a "cupcake cake." I thought it turned out pretty dang cute so I'm posting a picture of my work!


Julie said...

Very cute! I gotta come up with an idea for a b-day cake for Kaitlyn's 1st bday in a couple months. Any ideas?

Logan & Lindy said...

MRS. CREATIVE!!! Very cute!!

Anonymous said...

that is so cute Jess! good job!

Lucia said...

Of course I remember you! Although I might not have recognized you if you weren't sitting next to your dad and the buck. You're all grown up! and very pretty! Congrats on a year of marriage. I'll add you to my blog too. (my mom would love to see your blog too!, She'll link it from mine)

Nicole said...


Meagan Rogers said...

Looks yummy! -Meagan