Monday, November 24, 2008

To everyone!

May your Thanksgiving be filled with family, friends, food, football, and the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade!

Friday, November 14, 2008

No, I am definitely not pregnant...

BUT I do sometimes wonder what our children will look like! What do ya think? (PS-I know this post is really random, but it is fun and I "tag" Naomi to do it!:) *Ben would like to mention that he thinks he was a much cuter kid than me...brat!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm disappointed...

About the outcome of the presidential election. I am, however, shocked and happily surprised that the marriage proposition passed in California! I do not understand how such a conservative proposition can be passed in such a liberal state, but hey I'll take it! And I stumbled across this cute little saying...I know the election is over so it doesn't really matter, but it rings true!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

State soccer plus Ash's HC pic

The girls had their state soccer game this past weekend. They beat Chino Valley two to zero and then lost to Blue Ridge one to zero. It was such a good game and they all played great!

Ashley & Blake at Homecoming
Alissa is their goaly
Ashley (#6) and Jacy (#8) are getting ready for a cornerkick
Alissa pretending to dive for a ball and then there is
Doin' her model pose
And last, but not least, a video of us trying to take a picture...we are special