Thursday, August 6, 2015

Rad's 6 month stats!

Weight: 16.5lbs (35th %)
Height: 26.25in (45th %)
Head: 17.5in (85th %)

He now has his two bottom teeth! (which mommy doesnt like because he has already bit me like 6 times!) He has the sweetest demeanor. He will smile at anyone! His hair is ALWAYS in a mohawk (haha). He started baby foods and likes them all so far! He loves to stick his tongue out. He loves to pull blankets over his face. He prefers standing over sitting. Love this big-headed boy of mine!

Rad's 4 month stats! (I forgot to post this)

Mr. RAD is now 4 months! I've been told the 3rd baby is the best and he is definitely living up to that! He is a godo eater, has been sleeping thru the night for a few weeks now, is super super smiley, rolls over all the time, and has had more blowouts than both of my other babies combined! Love this boy to pieces. Rad's 4 month stats: 14 lbs (25th %); 24.8 in long (25th %); head is 16.5 in (50th %) and he took his shots like a champ.