Monday, August 30, 2010

My baby girl

This is her third day of eating baby cereal...she is getting better!

but she still gets it ALL OVER haha!

lovin the bumbo seat we found on craigslist!

such a poser! lol

mommy's ballerina

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cali Trip!

We took a weekend trip to Cali to hang out with family and it was sooo fun! We were able to meet up with Naomi, Tyler, & Ronnee (Ty was there for a training); Mickey (who flew to LA and then drove home with us); Ben's brother Wayne (he is stationed at Camp Pendleton); and all my Frazier cousins of course!

We left early in the morning, which worked out GREAT because this little girl slept almost the entire way!

I call this her Cali dress!

Ronnee loved Ben:)

The day we got there was Josh's birthday, so we celebrated with them that night! Don't you love the look on Jeff's face?! haah!

Jason & Ally

Jordizz & Max

Ronnee loved the cake!

Naomi loved cuddling:)

Ride em cowgirl!

I am SO glad that she loves her peapod! Best invention ever!

The next day we went to the beach! We had really nice weather but the water was freezing!! But those of us who rarely get to see the ocean, still went boogie boarding! oh yeah baby!

"enough with the pictures mom"

Beach models


"uh, excuse mom, I'M your baby" LOL

this pic cracks me up...Tyler was playing by himself! LOL


Sand anyone?

they grew a couple cup sizes lol

Ronnee was very upset about the burial LOL

And what would a day at the beach be without VOLLEYBALL?!

If you couldn't tell, I just couldn't get enough of taking pics of this little girl! She is just so fun!

Since the moment we arrived, Ben & Josh were at it playing ping pong. They played for HOURS & HOURS! Not sure who came out the champion?


Wayne & Ben

After the beach, we all headed back to Jeff's house for a BBQ. He was our BBQ chef! It was very yummy!

She just BARELY fit under the ping pong table bar! So freakin cute!

Around the world!

This pic is SO funny! Uncle Justin was playin "crack the egg" haha

Thank you SO much Uncle Jeff & Aunt Leah for the great hospitality! You are the best hosts!