Monday, September 3, 2007

~Labor Day Weekend~

We went to Lake Mead for Labor Day weekend, just like we did last year! (Except Joel came with us last year) I have awesome uncles and aunts who are always happy to invite us to tag along! My aunt's parents live in Vegas, so we were all able to crash at their place and then go out on the lake during the day. We had a blast! (As always!) I'm just sad that boating season is over :(


Jaime said...

Jessica! Thanks so much for posting on my blog (a long time ag). OF course I remember you!! :) :)

Love all your pics. Can't believe you have been married a year! And Lake Mead, we used to go there all the time growing up, I sure miss it!

Keep in touch! I'm gonna link ya, ok?!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun! What a nice break.

Nicole said...

I could NEVER cliff jump! You guys are brave!

Josh n' Meagan said...

Boating season is almost never over in the just have to have a boat haha.