Sunday, February 1, 2009

2009 Middle School State Wrestling Championships

I went to Tucson this past weekend to watch Eli and my cousins wrestle at the middle school state wrestling championships. SJ kicked butt! As a team they won the entire tournament. Back to back state champions baby! Matt Waite took first. Eli, Tyler Crosby, & Sherrod Bride took second. Jerome Crowthler took fourth. Jared Anderson took fifth. Everyone else came really close too! (Levi Crosby, Brock Crosby, Garrett Davis, Riley Raykovich, Tim Allen, Chandon Herring, Wyatt, and Jared (don't know their last names:) Way to go boys! I only got pics of Eli and Tyler and I am attaching all the videos I took of Eli's final match for my family to watch. (It was a GREAT match by the way:)

Wrestling hard!

Way to go buddy! (always so serious with wrestling haha)

There's a smile! (I made him haha)

Way to go Ty!

Video #1
Video #2

Video #3

Video #4

Video #5

Video #6

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