Monday, March 8, 2010

~Baby Showers~

I was fortunate enough to have two baby showers! My aunts and mom gave me one in SJ and Bailey gave me one down here. They were both way fun!

Yummy food!

Cutie cousins

Playing games

Opening gifts:)

Only Ashley...haha

Making headbands...such a cute idea!

Now I have tons! :-)


Go Sundevils! haha

Thanks guys! You are the best and I love you!


Tyler and Naomi said...

How fun! I am glad you finally posted about these! By the way you look super cute! I love light blue on you!

Shari Romney Family!! said...

Im sorry that I couldnt make it to your shower. I was looking forward to seeing you, I havent seen you in forever. My Great Grandma died and her funeral was all day Saturday! Looks like you had a ton of fun and got a lot of great gifts. You look so good! I need to get your address if that is possible! And I cant believe you only have four weeks left!! She will be here before you know it! Hope your feeling great!

Joey & Tiffanye said...

Looks like so much fun! Your sister cracks me up! You look so cute! I love the headband idea!

Anonymous said...

sorry that i missed your one here we were in utah that weekend! goodluck with the rest of the pregnancy! love ya!