Friday, October 17, 2008


So the other day I was talking to Ben and I said, “I love it when it cools down, but I also love it when it warms up!” He was like what?? So basically I just LOVE the season changes! That is what gets me the most about living in the valley…it’s not the heat in the summer, the traffic, or the people (okay maybe SOMETIMES it those) – but mostly it’s that there are no real seasons! In SJ you have a distinct Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring. Most people usually like one or the other but I like all of them. Warming up = boating season and cooling down = holiday season (Hunting season for my obsessed father and husband)! I need the change. :) So here are a few pictures that Ben’s mom took (she lives in Colorado) of the season changing! Gotta love it!


Tyler and Naomi said...

I am so with you on that. The leaves are finally starting to change colors here. About fricken time! The picks are beautiful!

jfbast said...

those pictures are amazing.