Friday, December 14, 2012


today i had a rough day. allyson pooped in her undies twice. kilee was up every hour with her dang teething and has been super cranky having a fever on and off all day. my house is a disaster. i am behind on my work. you get the picture.

then i turn on the news and my heart breaks for those families who lost loved ones to the point where i am sobbing. and all i want to do is hug them and share the gospel with them so that they can feel some sort of comfort. i know God always has a plan and it was time for those sweet angels to return home.

then it hits me. am i seriously having a pity party right now? these families lost their children. i cant imagine it. not having to get up in the night. or cleaning up messes. or reading bedtime stories. or dancing for no reason. so even if i have to clean up poopy undies 10 times in one day, i will do it. willingly and lovingly as i can. because God granted me the task of being an earthly mother to a couple of his angels. so while they are MINE i will always try to cherish these moments, good or bad.

i cry as i write this. this is just a reminder for ME. to always remember the lesson those sweet children taught me and many others today. i know they are now safe in Heavenly Fathers arms.

i am grateful for my knowledge of the gospel. i know there is life after death and i know families can be together forever.

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