Tuesday, April 22, 2008

cOuNtRy ThUnDeR 2oo8

Last weekend, Ben & I went to Country Thunder. It was pretty fun...not as fun as two years ago when we went, but we had a good time. MY favorite of the night was Billy Ray Cyrus...I believe he was my tape! haha. It was nice to see Whitley, my brother's girlfriend, and sit and chat with her. Hopefully they will have better line ups next year!!
On our way out!! I tried like 10 times, but Ben would not smile for me...and NO that is not a beer! It's a rootbeer:)

A very blurry pic of Whit & I (it was so dusty out there!)


Tyler and Naomi said...

That is a cute picture of you and Ben! He was actually smiling. I am impressed!

Ashlee said...

Sounds like so much fun! I want to go do that sometime!