Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We headed up to SJ on Thursday night and had a nice LONG weekend away from the valley. We went to Ashley's graduation on Friday, fished at Big Lake on Saturday, and rode dirtbikes and had a bonfire at the ranch on Sunday. Here are lots of pics!

The drive up was SO pretty! It was raining and the clouds were low...

The graduate and the parents
Gansta pose

Nicole and Ash

Eli and Michael chillin
Gramps & Grams
Ben, Liss, Aunt Tonya, & Uncle Justin
Ash with Justin & Tonya
Breonna and I
The kids CRASHED during the grad!
Ben caught the most fish!
Eli & Mike in their canoe
Nicole's fish! She was so cute - she wanted to take one home! (notice that she has a life vest underneath her sweatshirt! It was freezing!)

I forgot to take pics at the ranch, but we had a blast eating hotdogs and smores, shooting guns, and riding the dritbikes and quads!

1 comment:

Tyler and Naomi said...

Looks like a fun trip! My mom was saying they got lots of rain which is always nice!