Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Uncle Justin & Aunt Tonya hosted Thanksgiving this year over in Cali:) It's always a blast gettin' the Frazier crew together!

Nicole sportin' her pearly whites:)


watchin' football

great pic of Gramps and uncle Justin!

lots of cards were played!



i love the way she is looking at him! like "uhh who are you?!"

she didn't get ANY attention! :P

waitin' for the food!

master chef:)


Jake & Victoria!

our turkey pinata!

ashley wrestled down lissa....shocker!

nicole got to throw the football at it first!

got it on the first try!

the next day, we went to a skatepark! here is ben showin' off his moves!


aunt wissa! it was freezing!

i gave it a try...LOL emphasis on the try!

im thinking...should i go?!

we also hiked up to the hollywood sign that day! i love how allyson is just crackin up in this pic!

the hiking gang

had to put this one in there....look at jordan trying to kiss ben! haha!

our lil fam


holly-WOOD! i swear we passed by heidi and spencers house...

finally at the top!

just plain gorgeous!

Eli, daddy-o, and liss

Jason...lookin like a model~!

the look on her face says it all!

Jeff you are in the net!!

ben gots hops fo sho

allyson with her great aunt tonya:) shortly after this pic, allyson pooped all over her! sorry aunt tonya!

i didnt bring any extra clothes so she was only wearing her jacket in this pic (hence why she is so bundled up!)

aahhhh....she was SO glad to be home:)

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