Monday, October 10, 2011

my HUGE 18 month TODDLER

21 pounds 6 ounces (10%)
32 inches tall (50%)
size 5 shoes

favorite words: daddy, mommy, doggie, puppy, feesh (fish), dee (deer), bean (bear), duck, bub (for belly button), eyes, nose, mouth, ears, cheese, cookie, milk, baby (most fav!), drink, nack (snack), side (outside), bye bye, muah (for kisses), book, dat (that), fwee (three), yuck, no no, awwww, baf (bath), shoes, and Im sure there is more but those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head!

favorite things to do: read books! jump off anything and everything and everytime saying fwee fwee FWEE! (one two three). says 'awwwwww' when she puts on clothes, holds her babies, sees pictures, etc. loves to kiss and 'give loves' to her babies. she can tell you where the following are located: eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, ears, hair, fingers, toes, and belly button. funny side note on the belly button: she is not scared to lift up anyone's shirt to find their belly button and poke it. its so funny! she LOVES to dance and loves music. its almost like she cant help but dance whenever she hears music. if we tell her to 'shake it', she will shimme her shoulders. its so cute! she loves to follow around aunt wissa. she will sit on the kitchen table next to alissa's laptop and just talk her ear off. she loves to sit a 'play' the piano. one time i think she played it for an hour straight which works for me! keeps her occupied.

when you ask her how old she is, she will put up one finger and say fwee! least its half right? when we ask her if she wants a spanking she will start spanking her own bootie. funny girl! she will occasionally give her baby spankings too! when you hold up a cell phone to take a pic she will automatically start saying cheese! (funny how she says it only with cell phones and not my actual camera!) even though she likes the outdoors and playing with cars, she also such a girly girl! she wants her toes painted whenever i paint mine and she loves to put on makeup with mommy!

she is a social butterfly. she waves and says hi to complete strangers all the time (she is a hit with everyone at church!) and speaking of church, she went to nursery for the first time last sunday (yay!) and she did so well! not one tear! so relieved. hopefully it lasts! she is a busy busy girl. has to be doing something every minute and just jibber jabbers all day long. she climbs on everything and LOVES being outside. anytime ANYONE is leaving our house, she tries to go with them and will just wave bye bye to me! she is a little scaredy cat with EVERYTHING. her favorite tv show is yo gabba gabba (weirdest show ever!) - probably because they sing for most of the show.

I believe she has 17 teeth (its kinda hard to count them!). her favorite dinner is chicken nuggets. she is not a big eater (not even with sweets!) she LOVES meat! her daddy's girl for sure! (not that I dont like meat, but Ben loves it) she drinks lots of liquids all day long. its almost like she would rather just drink liquids all day rather than eat! she sleeps pretty good most nights. so far I have been lucky and she never resists bed time. actually, if i say ok its bed time! or even when I say ok its nap time! she will just start heading up the stairs. she must like her sleep like her mommy!

She is just the light of our lives and brings me pure joy every day. love you baby girl!
Here are the 18 month pics I took of allyson while we were up in SJ for Ben's hunt...


Tyler and Naomi said...

Love this little girl! She is growing up so fast and get smarter every second!

Shari Romney Family!! said...

She is so adorable!