Wednesday, May 23, 2012

state playoffs for baseball/softball

For the first two weekends in May, we were busying running around to lots of baseball and softball games to support grampa & gramma (who coach the SJHS varisty girls softball team), cousin Jacy, cousin Kyla, uncle E, uncle Ray (who coaches the SJHS varisty baseball team), cousin Austin, cousin Garrett, and cousin Tyler! I dont remember how far the boys made it - I think they made it past 3 rounds? and the girls made it to the championship game! It was SUCH a great game too - they lost 3 to 2 in eight innings. SJ softball hadn't made it that far since like 1994 or something crazy like that! So way to go girls! (and mom & dad!) 
we had a photoshoot with these little softballs:)
austin played 3rd base:)

fun dip is my life saver!

she loved going to these games
cuz i let her eat candy the whole time!

timeout with ellie, austin, and uncle ray

ellie base running:)

and he scores!

LOVE this pic:)

my kilee sleeping thru it all!

rockin' the shades!
proof that she was awake for
PART of the game! haha

and now she's out:) lol

some good sleeping! look at that drool!

love her:)

ava with her momma

obsessed with grampa!

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