Friday, June 22, 2012

Allyson's ISR lessons

Allyson just finished her 8th week of her ISR (infant swimming resources) lessons. It has taken her forever (it typically only takes 4-6 weeks) but she is finally starting to get it! This program teaches kids the survival skills needed if they were to fall into water unattended. It is amazing what they can teach babies (they start as young as 6 months!) At Allyson's age they teach them to swim, flip to their backs to float (and breathe) and then flip back over to swim to safety. Allyson LOVES swimming but hates to float. However, she now WILL float if she knows she needs to (hallelujah!). She cries while she floats but at least she knows how to save herself! Here is her progress as of today...her instructor thinks she will need to go one more week.

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