Thursday, August 16, 2012

5 months for kilee jo (playing catch-up!)

Boy, do I love this cutie with her big blue eyes! I had a WIC appointment on THE day she turned 5 months (Aug. 2nd) so I was able to weigh her on an actual baby scale and she weighed exactly 16 pounds! My lil fatty:) She is my angel child...sleeps thru the night...from 9pm to 7am to be exact (or later...but its always at least a 10 hour stretch!). I can lay her down in her crib awake and she will go to sleep on her own. She is finally starting to like tummy time (kind of). She rolls everywhere, and is trying SO hard to crawl! I am soooo not ready for that! I want her to just stay little forever:) I haven't started her on any sort of baby food yet - because, well, why would I? She sleeps thru the night and is a happy camper. So there is no need yet! I will probably start her around 6 months though, so its coming soon! I hope she is not as picky as her older sister! She will smile at anyone and everyone. Guess there was a reason we called her smiley kilee on my baby shower invite;) And I think I now have an "official thumb sucker". Yep, you read that right. I tried to prevent it from happening but have had no luck! Oh well, at least its cute:) Her legs are getting some chub and the 3-6 mo. size clothes are too small for her now. I am moving her up to size 3 diapers once she finishes off the last box of 2s! I feel like she has been teething for two months. I can SEE the white part of the tooth but it has yet to poke thru. Stupid teething!! Anyways, there's a little update on ki!

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