Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Crosby Reunion

SO this past weekend we had our Crosby reunion in between all the annual Pioneer Days activities. We had our own family float in the parade and it was so awesome! My great-grandma was the grand marshall and sat above all of her 172 descendants. We had so much fun this SJ trip! Boating, riding dirtbikes, shooting, eating, and playing. And our dog was in heaven up there! Here are a few pics from the weekend...
The Float!

Ashley's grocery race team...with Lacie and Whitney

Silly girls

Kids playing RED ROVER

Grandma & Benjamin

Haha...nice dad!

1 comment:

taytum said...

Talk about fun! No one can fully understand how fun family can be unless they have one as big and as close as one like yours. Remember to always be SOOOO grateful for them. I love my family, and just in the last few years have I realized how truly special they are!