Monday, July 21, 2008

CuZ wE WeRe FlOaTiN' dOwN a RiVeR!

So this is my final catch-up post! Two weekends ago we went to the Avi Resort in Laughlin with my Frazier familia (as Joel would say!) It was SOOOO much fun! I luv luv luv the river! It was hot outside but the water was so nice. We went up on Thursday morning and came home Sunday afternoon...and it wasn't enough time! The ONLY bad part about the trip was we locked our keys in our car right when we were ready to leave...thanks uncle Jeff for helpin' us out! Here are a few pics! (Sorry they will look really similar to my 4th of July post (except for blue water instead of brown!) but hey, boatin' is what we do during the summer!:)


Meagan Rogers said...

Looks so fun. You guys seem to have go to do a lot this summer. I bet it's nice!

Tyler and Naomi said...

How fun! I love the picture of Ben and Michael.